Extract from that site:
In VB6 goto Project menu - Project Properties - and on the "Make" Tab and specify the command line parameter.
You can get whatever has been passed to your app by using Command$ reserved variable. Then just parse the command line.
Private Sub Form_Load()
If Command$ <> " " then
If InStr(Command$, "?") > 0 Then
End If
End If
Ens Sub
This will check if the /? switch was included.
Command Function
Returns the argument portion of the command line used to launch Microsoft Visual Basic or an executable program developed with Visual Basic.
When Visual Basic is launched from the command line, any portion of the command line that follows /cmd is passed to the program as the command-line argument. In the following example, cmdlineargs represents the argument information returned by the Command function.
VB /cmd cmdlineargs
For applications developed with Visual Basic and compiled to an .exe file, Command returns any arguments that appear after the name of the application on the command line. For example:
MyApp cmdlineargs
Also see:
Best Regards