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Beginning VB 6 For coders who are new to Visual Basic, working in VB version 6 (not .NET).
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 10:43 PM
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Default Compile Error: Object required

Hello there. I am trying to pull order data from an Access db using VB6 and I get a Compile Error: Object Required error and I've been searching the internet for an answer, but haven't found any that help...
Here is my code:

Public Function RecordImport(ByVal strKeyValue As String, Optional strDateCreated As String) As FSIO.Recordset

    On Error GoTo RecordImport_Error

    ' Declare variables for procedure
    Dim objRecordset As FSIO.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim ship_id As String
    Dim order_id As String
    Dim trim_order_id As String
    Dim to_company_id As String

    ' Validate Connection object
    If Not InstantiateConnection Then Exit Function

    ' Validate Connection state
    If Not GetConnection Then Exit Function

    ' Create the recordset object
    Set objRecordset = ODBC1.CreateRecordSet

    ' Set SQL statement
    Set ship_id = "'" & strKeyValue & "'"

It highlights the whole Public Function line in yellow, and the variable ship_id in gray.

I can't figure out what the problem is.

Thanks in advance.


Old April 24th, 2007, 07:12 AM
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hi there..

since ship_id is a string you don't need the set in front of it... You only use set when you are referencing objects in vb6 (set is deprecated in .net)



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