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BOOK: Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
This is the forum to discuss the Wrox book Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference by Patricia Cardoza, Teresa Hennig, Graham Seach, Armen Stein; ISBN: 9780764559037
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Old November 27th, 2006, 09:54 AM
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Default Linked Table Manager path in Visual Basic

I am new to Access and would appreciate if someone could help me with the following problem:

I have constructed a front-end database which accesses a number of tables in a separate back-end database. The link between front- and back-end is set up via the Linked Table Manager.

Is there a way in Visual Basic to find out to which value the string is set that specifies the path to the back-end database?

I would like to check that the tables have not moved before the first call to a table in the back-end is made, and deal with any errors that might occur.

Also, as the Seek operation is not allowed on linked tables I thought to circumvent this by opening these tables via an external link as suggested in Chapter 6 of Access 2003 VBA. I would like to use a variable for the pathname to the back-end database and pick up its value from Access rather than hard-code a path as the final location of the database is not yet known.

Thanks for any advice you can give,

Astrid Van Maanen
Old December 15th, 2006, 05:35 PM
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I am also interested in finding the string that specifies the path to my back end database


Old December 19th, 2006, 01:20 PM
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Here's a solution:

'================================================= ==============
' The GetLinkedDBName() function requires the name of a
' linked Microsoft Access table, in quotation marks, as an
' argument. The function returns the full path of the originating
' database if successful, or returns 0 if unsuccessful.
'================================================= ==============

Function GetLinkedDBName (TableName As String)
   Dim db As DAO.Database, Ret
   On Error GoTo DBNameErr
   Set db = CurrentDb()
   Ret = db.TableDefs(TableName).Connect
   GetLinkedDBName = Right(Ret, Len(Ret) - (InStr _
      (1, Ret, "DATABASE=") + 8))
   Exit Function
   GetLinkedDBName = 0
End Function

Old December 29th, 2006, 10:34 AM
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Thank you very much for your reply; I have now tried it and it is exactly what I was looking for!

Astrid Van Maanen

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