Beginning asp 3.0: Chapter 15
In chapter 15 on page 668 on the "Try it out - Login screen and Login Checker" there seems to be an error on the page where there is no closing asp(%>) or a line of code is missing. Below is what it looks like on the page:
<% If Request("Again") = "1" then if Request("BadPW") = "True" then %>
Invalid Password <BR>
<% Else %>
E-Mail Address not found. Try again<BR>
<% End If %>
<% End If %>
Here is how i've modified it, however, Its still not working properly...anyone help me please?
<% If Request("Again") = "1" Then %>
<% If Request("BadPW") = "True" Then %>
Invalid Password<BR>
<% Else %>
Not found<br>
<% End If %>
<% End If %>