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Old July 7th, 2004, 06:59 PM
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Default Chapter 4, Exercise 3

NOTE: This is from JDK 1.3 Edition

I'm getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception (at runtime) for the following piece of code:

for(int x = 0; x < dragonTextArray.length; x++) //REM; tells the loop
                                                        // when to stop
              if(dragonTextArray[x].compareTo(dragonTextArray[x+1]) < 0)
                    storage = dragonTextArray[x];
                    dragonTextArray[x] = dragonTextArray[x+1];
                    dragonTextArray[x+1] = storage;

                //NOTE: if previous string is less than next string,
                // or previous tring is equal to next string
                // leave them alone

According to the diagnostics the offending code is:

      dragonTextArray[x] = dragonTextArray[x+1];

and I'm not sure how to fix this. I thought the statement "x < dragonArray.length" should take care of the loop extending beyond the last element in the array. Can someone give me some insite as to what's happening here? Thanks.


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Old July 8th, 2004, 04:12 AM
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quote:Originally posted by DRAYKKO

I'm getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception (at runtime) for the following piece of code:

for(int x = 0; x < dragonTextArray.length; x++)
             if(dragonTextArray[x].compareTo(dragonTextArray[x+1]) < 0)
                    storage = dragonTextArray[x];
                    dragonTextArray[x] = dragonTextArray[x+1];
                    dragonTextArray[x+1] = storage;

According to the diagnostics the offending code is:

     dragonTextArray[x] = dragonTextArray[x+1];

and I'm not sure how to fix this. I thought the statement "x < dragonArray.length" should take care of the loop extending beyond the last element in the array. Can someone give me some insight as to what's happening here?
Ah, a question about a dragon text!! (first in months)

The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is always thrown when you try to address an index of an array that does not exist.
So the question is: where exactly is that bug?
It IS in the for statement, but for a specific reason. Normally you would not call array[x+1], but in the for block you do, so I suggest:

for(int x = 0; x < dragonTextArray.length-1; x++)

Francis @ ch15

P.S. Bubble sorting, eh? Looks good. Only.. you are sorting the array from Z to A..
Also: BEWARE! The bubble sort isn't finished after going through the array elements once. You have to start over again until ALL are in place (all comparisons are < 0 in case you want to store your dragon names backwards).
Old July 8th, 2004, 06:20 AM
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quote:Originally posted by freezotic

Ah, a question about a dragon text!! (first in months)

The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is always thrown when you try to address an index of an array that does not exist.
So the question is: where exactly is that bug?
It IS in the for statement, but for a specific reason. Normally you would not call array[x+1], but in the for block you do, so I suggest:

for(int x = 0; x < dragonTextArray.length-1; x++)

Francis @ ch15

P.S. Bubble sorting, eh? Looks good. Only.. you are sorting the array from Z to A..
Also: BEWARE! The bubble sort isn't finished after going through the array elements once. You have to start over again until ALL are in place (all comparisons are < 0 in case you want to store your dragon names backwards).
Thank you Francis! I was approaching this issue from the idea of modifying the [x+1] index, but the solution kept eluding me.

Yes, you're correct this is a bubble sort (an exercise from the Beginning Java 2 (JDK 1.3 Edition) text). I'm glad you mentioned having to sort until all are in order. I had a feeling just doing it once wouldn't be enough; but the "specs" didn't mention that. :D

Thanks again for the help!


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Old July 9th, 2004, 02:34 PM
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quote:Originally posted by DRAYKKO
Thanks again for the help!

I am happy to have helped :)

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