I am new to java and would like to try parsing a small positional flat file. I plan to then use JDOM to write out an XML file.
I was hoping someone would have an example to get me started, I don't have any code to post just yet but it would be helpful to get suggestions on the right direction to go.
The file layout is:
NN86011111107XXX12345699999999999999999xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx0000000121000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
NN86011111107XXX12345899999999999999888xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx0000000151000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I really only need 5 fields from this file amount of data form this file:
PO num: 111111
receiving ware house: 07
item code: 123456
CUPC: 9999999999999999999
qty: 000000012
Any suggestion on parsing the positional data would be most appreciated.
Thank you