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BOOK: Beginning JavaServer Pages
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Old July 18th, 2005, 07:01 PM
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Default Ant reload

I am having problems in Chapter 19 when I try to reload the changes I make to the struts-base application using ant. After I run "ant reload" nothing changes to my application running on tomcat.

I used "ant install" to initially deploy it and I ran into no problems. When I issue the "ant reload" command it rebuilds it and says that the application has been reloaded to the appropriate context. I checked the build files and verified that they were built, but they are never copied over to the correct directory in the webapps directory under tomcat sever's root.
Isn't reload suppose to do that for me? I checked the build.xml and from what I can tell the reload switch uses data that was all defined at the beginning of the XML file- which I customized to my server. I just don't understand why the reload command is working when it says it is.
If any one has any ideas please help.

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