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BOOK: Beginning VB.NET Databases
This is the forum to discuss the Wrox book Beginning VB.NET Databases by Thearon Willis; ISBN: 9780764568008
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Old August 7th, 2005, 10:42 PM
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Default Uniqueidentifier to Integer Conversion

I’m getting a "Type ‘Integer’ has no constructors" error with the conversion of a uniqueidentifier to an integer column datatype in a VB .Net app using SQL Server 2000.

In the Time Tracker application, the Users table uses the uniqueidentifier for the primary key. My database table uses an Integer primary key.

The purpose of the modified method is to select a Recipe and display data from the associated fields.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Form: Admin (p. 409)
' ***************************************
' In the Admin form "LoadItems" method
' Original Admin form
' ***************************************

'Get the specific User in ListView control
objDataset = objUsers.GetUser( _
New Guid(lvwUsers.SelectedItems.Item(0).Tag.ToString))

Class: WDAUsers (original Wrox App -- p. 402)
' ***************************************
' Original GetUser Method
' ***************************************

Public Function GetUser(ByVal UserID As Guid) As DataSet
      GetUser = New DataSet
      'Initialize a new instance of the Crypto class
      MyBase.Crypto = New WDACrypto(CryptoKey, CryptoIV)
      MyBase.SQL = “usp_SelectUser”
      'Initialize the Command object
      'Add a Parameter to the Parameters collection
      MyBase.AddParameter(“@UserID”, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, _
        16, UserID)
      'Fill the DataSet
      MyBase.FillDataSet(GetUser, “User”)
      'Decrypt the password
      GetUser.Tables(“User”).Rows(0).Item(“Passwor d”) = _
        MyBase.Crypto.Decrypt( _
        GetUser.Tables(“User”).Rows(0).Item(“Passwor d”))
    Catch ExceptionErr As Exception
      Throw New System.Exception(ExceptionErr.Message, _
      MyBase.Crypto = Nothing
    End Try
  End Function

In the Admin form "LoadItems" method
' ***************************************
' Modified
' ***************************************

objDataset = objItem.GetRecipe( _
            New Integer(lvwItem.SelectedItems.Item(0).Tag.ToString ))

/ **** Results in the following error: ***********/
Type ‘Integer’ has no constructors

"BLItemTable" class
' ***************************************
' Modified GetUser Method
' Renamed as the GetRecipe method
' ***************************************
Here’s the modified GetUser method:

Public Function GetRecipe(ByVal UserID As Integer) As DataSet
      GetUser = New DataSet
      MyBase.SQL = “SelectUser”

      ' initialize command

      ' add parameter
      MyBase.AddParameter(“@UserID”, _
      SqlDbType.Int, _
      4, prim)

      ' fill the dataset
      MyBase.FillDataSet(GetUser, “tblUser”)

    Catch exceptionErr As Exception
      Throw New System.Exception(exceptionErr.Message, _
    End Try
  End Function
Old August 8th, 2005, 04:24 AM
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In addressing your issue, I'll make two assumptions. First, the Tag property in your ListView control does indeed contain an Integer value. Second, the User table that you are using also contains an Integer value.

A quick observation of your code in the GetUser function indicates that you should be passing the UserID parameter to the AddParameter method instead of prim so your code reads like this:

MyBase.AddParameter(“@UserID”, _
      SqlDbType.Int, _
      4, UserID)

I hope this helps.

Old August 8th, 2005, 06:57 PM
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Thanks, Thearon. Are you willing to provide some paid e-mail support for me as I modify the application? Since I'm a beginner, I could use a little more support.


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