I Have a book that you have pressed! The ISBN is 0-7645-6800-0.My database is Oracle8.17 prosional edition.There are some errors in the code of chapter 16. When I tested the code,It show some errors like this : D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ÃÃÃæ\All_Code20060711\C hapter 16\Oracle\Time Tracker\TimeSheet.
vb(1007): ô¶¨ÃÃ¥Ãà ÃÃ(no define type)¡°TimeSheetsWS.Reports¡±¡£
D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ÃÃÃæ\All_Code20060711\C hapter 16\Oracle\Time Tracker\Web References\TimeSheetsWS\Reference.
vb Ã÷¨´ò¿ªÃ£¿éÃüþ¡°D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ÃÃÃæ\All_Code20060711\C hapter 16\Oracle\Time Tracker\Web References\TimeSheetsWS\Reference.
vb¡±: õóÃò»µ½Ã¸¶¨µÃÃüþ¡£(Syste m can't find the file)
Can you refresh the code or give me some advice??