Please Please
Please could you detail the code that would replace Point 13 on Page 161, Chapter 8 - to solve what seems to be a common problem regarding Windows Integrated security to connect to SQL Server, and obviously any other code that would be required.
I like many other people have Visual Basic and SQL Server loaded on the same PC at home where no userIDs or passwords have been set up. I believe that I have to remove the references to 'User Id' and 'Password' in the WDABase class as these cause errors and replace it with 'Integrated Security=True' - but I just cannot get this to work.
I have spent hours and hours trying to solve this problem and feel that I will have to give up on Visual Basic before I have even started if I cannot find a solution to this problem. This would put an end to my dream of developing
VB programs.
I have read your comments to other people regarding this same problem but still no joy. The easiest solution would be to see a snippet of code including the 'integrated security=true' references. If you could show this it would be fantastic.
I came across the same problem in one of your other books - Beginning Visual Basic 2005 - chapter 16 and had to give up on that book too - which was a great shame and frustration. On page 496 you identify the subject of integrated security - but there is no example code.
I really would be over joyed if you could help me with this problem - this is my last hope