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BOOK: Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development
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Old September 24th, 2003, 07:23 PM
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Default Business Delegate Pattern for Accessing Remote EJB

First let me say this is one of the best books on practical software engineering I have every encountered. I love this book and am completely sold on the framework code provide for building J2EE applications.

I have successfully implemented a Remote EJB which extends AbstractStatelessSessonBean and deployed it on JBOSS 3.0.8. I have written a Java application that successfully accesses and uses this Remote EJB. It uses a brute force means of accessing my Remote EJB.

I have taken the steps to utilize the Business Delegate Pattern as described on pages 423-425. I have create a Business Delegate Interface and a Business Delegate object that implements this interface and extends AbstractRemoteStatelessSessionServiceLocator. However, I am unable to make this work. My Business Delegate object never seems to get the callback on the afterPropertiesSet() method.

My intuition tells me I am missing an Application Context, also part of the infrastructure, for my Java application. My understanding is the Application Context infrastructure will allow me to configure my components for run-time access in the infrastructure. I'm at a real loss at the moment.

Any advice on this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Matthew Lumsden

PS The book does a good job describing the use of the framework for web applications but is lacking when it comes to utilizing it elsewhere.
Old September 25th, 2003, 03:31 PM
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My intuition was correct. An Application Context must be instantiated and appropriate configuration must be provided. I instantiated a FileSystemXMLApplicationContext and provided an XML configuration file to it. This was indeed the missing link.

Good luck to others going down this path. Hope this will help save you some time.

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