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September 26th, 2006, 10:08 PM
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AJAX to get dynamic images
Hi there,
I have a small problem with AJAX for displaying a dynamically created image from a php file. I have a page where the user types a text in the textbox and when he submits a images file is generated with the text in it. Now what i need is get the image directly below the submit button.
The PHP code (img.php) is below
Header("Content-type: image/png");
$name = $_GET['letter'];
$img_handle = ImageCreate (350, 100) or die ("Cannot Create image");
$back_color = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 50, 50, 50);
$txt_color = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 255, 255, 255);
ImageString ($img_handle, 3, 5, 5, $name, $txt_color);
ImagePng ($img_handle);
So to display the image what i normally do is <img src="img.php?letter=texttodisplay"> , but now i want to use ajax to get image dynamically updated when submit is clicked. I tried using xmlHTTPrequest, but it works only for text. I want to use AJAX for images.
Can any give me any ideas for this.
September 27th, 2006, 03:25 AM
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You can't embed images in an HTML page therefore, although you can retrieve the image data, you can't use it. The solution is simple though, just dynamically alter the img's src attribute when the submit is called.
Show a bit more of the client-side code, such as form and any code that executes onsubmit if you can't get it to work.
Joe ( Microsoft MVP - XML)
October 2nd, 2006, 01:22 AM
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Your basic technique of creating an image dynamically on the server and then telling the browser where to find it still applies.
Instead of generating the entire page including a link to the new image (the 'old way') you want to recieve the name of the new image file using AJAX.
If you can succesfully submit the form data using an AJAX post, then you should be able to create a javascript call-back function to update the image's SRC attribute with the name of the newly created image on the server.
Your PHP example simply needs to create a new file somewhere in your site, possibly using a unique file name if necessary, and send this back to the browser. THis is TEXT data, not image data, so drop the "Header" statement.
Good luck!
May 19th, 2007, 09:48 PM
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badcop666 needs more experience...
sometimes, in a enterprise environment, it needs a big.. big URL to get an image, probably a chart image, IE (stupid Micro$oft guys) has limits with is URL GET lenght.. its limit its around 2ks, others browsers doesnt have any problem..
lets see an example...
if you have the next URL at the "source" attribute in a IMG TAG:
http://www.theweb.net/thecaMonitoringWeb/GraficaPie?typeGraph=cmPorcentajeModelos&width=800 &height=500&totalModelos=40&modelo0=DCM245&totalMo delo0=255&modelo1=SB5120&totalModelo1=10&modelo2=D OCSIS+1.1+Touchstone+Cable+Modem+Model+CM450A&tota lModelo2=851&modelo3=EtherFast+Cable+Modem+(BEFCMU 10)&totalModelo3=83&modelo4=ARRIS+DOCSIS+2.0+%2f+P acketCable+1.0+Touchstone+Telephony+Modem+MODEL%3a +TM402G&totalModelo4=224&modelo5=SBG900&totalModel o5=5&modelo6=SB4200&totalModelo6=13&modelo7=Terayo n+TJ%7cECM+715X&totalModelo7=3&modelo8=DOCSIS+1.1+ Touchstone+Cable+Modem+Model+CM300A&totalModelo8=3 78&modelo9=DCM305&totalModelo9=271&modelo10=D-Link+DOCSIS+2.0+Cable+Modem+MODEL%3a+DCM-202&totalModelo10=5&modelo11=PCX2200&totalModelo11 =4&modelo12=SB4100&totalModelo12=9&modelo13=Ambit+ DOCSIS+Cable+Modem+Model%3a+60194E&totalModelo13=1 1&modelo14=DCM235&totalModelo14=55&modelo15=(Gener al+Instrument)+Motorola+SB2100%2fD%2fi&totalModelo 15=1&modelo16=(General+Instrument)+Motorola+SB3100 &totalModelo16=40&modelo17=WebSTAR+Series+DPC2100& totalModelo17=1109&modelo18=ARRIS+DOCSIS+2.0+%2f+P acketCable+1.0+Touchstone+Telephony+Modem+MODEL%3a +TM502G&totalModelo18=362&modelo19=Com21+DOCSIS+1. 0+Cable+Modem+Model%3a+DP111&totalModelo19=1&model o20=CMX2940%2f3CR29210+MCNS+DOCSIS+1.0+external+2-way+Cable+Modem&totalModelo20=35&modelo21=Belkin+M ODEL%3a+F5D5530-W&totalModelo21=1&modelo22=D-Link+DOCSIS+1.1+Cable+Modem+MODEL%3a+DCM-201+(discontinued%2c+replace+with+DC&totalModelo22 =1&modelo23=Modelo+desconocido&totalModelo23=4&mod elo24=Tollgrade+Cheetah+HFC+Service+Assurance&tota lModelo24=1&modelo25=PCX1100U%2fDAZ8813&totalModel o25=4&modelo26=DCM226&totalModelo26=1&modelo27=SB5 101&totalModelo27=5&modelo28=DCM225&totalModelo28= 25&modelo29=SB5100&totalModelo29=10&modelo30=DOCSI S+1.1+Touchstone+Cable+Modem+MODEL+CM550A&totalMod elo30=1386&modelo31=WebSTAR+Series+DPX2100&totalMo delo31=1&modelo32=Com21+Model%3a+DP1110&totalModel o32=21&modelo33=PipeRider+HM200c&totalModelo33=2&m odelo34=PCX2600&totalModelo34=3&modelo35=Thomson+D OCSIS+Cable+Modem+MODEL%3a+DCM315&totalModelo35=20 &modelo36=Thomson+DCM425&totalModelo36=1&modelo37= PCX2500&totalModelo37=1&modelo38=UBR925-K9O3SV9Y5-M&totalModelo38=1&modelo39=ARRIS+DOCSIS+1.1+%2f+Pa cketCable+1.0+Touchstone+Telephony+Modem+MODEL%3a+ TTM202&totalModelo39=2&sumaTotal=5215
IE all current versions (7 included) will truncate and the GET method failures:
http://www.theweb.net/thecaMonitoringWeb/GraficaPie?typeGraph=cmPorcentajeModelos&width=800 &height=500&totalModelos=40&modelo0=DCM245&totalMo delo0=255&modelo1=SB5120&totalModelo1=10&modelo2=D OCSIS+1.1+Touchstone+Cable+Modem+Model+CM450A&tota lModelo2=851&modelo3=EtherFast+Cable+Modem+(BEFCMU 10)&totalModelo3=83&modelo4=ARRIS+DOCSIS+2.0+%2f+P acketCable+1.0+Touchstone+Telephony+Modem+MODEL%3a +TM402G&totalModelo4=224&modelo5=SBG900&totalModel o5=5&modelo6=SB4200&totalModelo6=13&modelo7=Terayo n+TJ%7cECM+715X&totalModelo7=3&modelo8=DOCSIS+1.1+ Touchstone+Cable+Modem+Model+CM300A&totalModelo8=3 78&modelo9=DCM305&totalModelo9=271&modelo10=D-Link+DOCSIS+2.0+Cable+Modem+MODEL%3a+DCM-202&totalModelo10=5&modelo11=PCX2200&totalModelo11 =4&modelo12=SB4100&totalModelo12=9&modelo13=Ambit+ DOCSIS+Cable+Modem+Model%3a+60194E&totalModelo13=1 1&modelo14=DCM235&totalModelo14=55&modelo15=(Gener al+Instrument)+Motorola+SB2100%2fD%2fi&totalModelo 15=1&modelo16=(General+Instrument)+Motorola+SB3100 &totalModelo16=40&modelo17=WebSTAR+Series+DPC2100& totalModelo17=1109&modelo18=ARRIS+DOCSIS+2.0+%2f+P acketCable+1.0+Touchstone+Telephony+Modem+MODEL%3a +TM502G&totalModelo18=362&modelo19=Com21+DOCSIS+1. 0+Cable+Modem+Model%3a+DP111&totalModelo19=1&model o20=CMX2940%2f3CR29210+MCNS+DOCSIS+1.0+external+2-way+Cable+Modem&totalModelo20=35&modelo21=Belkin+M ODEL%3a+F5D5530-W&totalModelo21=1&modelo22=D-Link+DOCSIS+1.1+Cable+Modem+MODEL%3a+DCM-201+(discontinued%2c+replace+with+DC&totalModelo22 =1&modelo23=Modelo+desconocido&totalModelo23=4&mod elo24=Tollgrade+Cheetah+HFC+Service+Assurance&tota lModelo24=1&modelo25=PCX1100U%2fDAZ8813&totalModel o25=4&modelo26=DCM226&totalModelo26=1&modelo27=SB5 101&totalModelo27=5&modelo28=DCM225&totalModelo28= 25&modelo29=SB5100&totalModelo29=10&modelo30=DOCSI S+1.1+Touchstone+Cable+Modem+MODEL+CM550A&totalMod elo30=1386&modelo31=WebSTAR+Series+DPX2100&totalMo delo31=1&modelo32=Com21+Model%3a+DP1110&totalModel o32=21&modelo33=PipeRider+HM200c&totalModelo33=2&m odelo34=PCX2600&totalModelo34=3&modelo35=Thomson+D OCSIS+Cable+Modem+MODEL%3a+DCM315
PROBABLY AJAX, with 'POST' method will solve this.. but I can't found it yet :S
August 7th, 2007, 11:01 AM
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I am having the same problem. you can only send like 2083 characters through the query string which sucks for dynamic image creation.:( Please let me know if anyone knows how to do remote scripting for dynamic images with post variables instead of get.
Right now I may have to actually save the image file on the server instead of just running it in memory.
The only way to load images dynamically that i have found without saving it to the server is to change the src attribute via javascript with your variables in a query string.
August 7th, 2007, 12:57 PM
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oh and btw.. what badcop666 said is very valid. I think darkscripter was assuming that he meant to do it via querystring. The method of passing variables he discussed was to use an ajax post.
I think what he meant was to use an ajax post to a php script which created the image and then saved it to the server like this:
imagejpeg($imageName, 'NameofPic.jpg', 100);
then when the ajax post comes back it would tell the js what "NameofPic.jpg" was. the js would then change the src attribute of the displayed image to "nameofpic.jpg".
This method works very well... but not if your query string is over 2000 characters.
August 8th, 2007, 09:35 AM
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So i've been working on this app all day yesterday and this morning and thought i would share my solution for anyone who needs it. here is my html and javascript :
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function ajaxFunction(){
var xmlHttp;
try{ // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e){ // Internet Explorer
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e){
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch (e){
alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
return false;
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.onload = function (e) {
img.onerror = function(e){
alert("Error processing Image. Please try again.")
img.src = xmlHttp.responseText;
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //include this for post or it won't work!!!!
<form name="myForm">
text: <input type="text" name="txtTxt" /><br/>
size: <input type="text" name="txtSz" /><br/>
fg: <input type="text" name="txtFG" /><br/>
bg: <input type="text" name="txtBG" /><br/>
<img src="" id="imgHolder"/>
<a href="javascript:ajaxFunction()">Send!</a>
then in my php i do this:
$imX=imagettfbbox($sz,0,$fon,$tx); //get bounding box for dimensions
$imDim=imgSize($imX, 0); //run a function to get image size
$im=imagecreate($imDim["w"], $imDim["h"]); //create new image
$bgCol=hex2rgb($bg); //convert bg color from hex to rgb
$bgColor=imagecolorallocate($im,$bgCol['r'],$bgCol['g'],$bgCol['b']); //allocate bg color
$fgCol=hex2rgb($fg); //convert fg color from hex to rgb
$fgColor=imagecolorallocate($im,$fgCol['r'],$fgCol['g'],$fgCol['b']); //allocate fg color
imagettftext ($im, $sz, 0,0, imagesy($im)-$imDim["bl"], $fgColor, $fon, $tx); //print the text
imagejpeg($im,$id.".jpg", 100); //create and save the image
echo $id.".jpg"; //Return Id of pic to javascript
function imgSize($bb, $pad){
//a function to interpret the bounding box info here.
function hex2rgb($hex) {
return array( 'r' => hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2)), // 1st pair of digits
'g' => hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2)), // 2nd pair
'b' => hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2)) // 3rd pair
The most important part of the php is the line:
echo $id.".jpg";
since this is what tells the javascript what the image name is.
the most important part of the javascript is this:
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //include this for post or it won't work!!!!
Note that i didn't include the image dimension function. its just runs a custom function to create a correct bounding box size with offsets for fonts which extend below the baseline, in front of the bounding box and behind it etc. i also didn't include an id for the pic. I just used the session id for it but you should make sure that it is secure if you really use this. Also make sure that you add some error handling since right now it will return an error if any of the fields are blank.
The gd library only lets you have 4500 characters in a imagettf() but that should be more then enough.
Using POST for ajax lets you send an unlimited (????) number of characters to the php script instead of the 2000 max you have with GET.
Hope someone gets some use out of this info. I know it would have saved me a lot of time.
May 27th, 2008, 05:24 PM
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Hey dudes, here is a simpler solution using jquery. I tried to get the avobe code working but was unsuccessful. Keep in mind that I have some variables in there that you need to change, as well as whatever you call your php file. Just look at how simple Jquery is! You need to download and include jquery. js in your folder, just google it! Also, you need to include the TTF font files that you refer to in the PHP part, so you'll probably have to change that as well. I think the code is pretty self-explanatory.
HTML File with Script
<title>Ajax with jQuery Example</title>
<script type="text/JavaScript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/JavaScript">
$("#generate").click(function() { loadImage(); });
function loadImage(){
var inputString = $("#inputString").val();
var inputFont = $("#inputFont option:selected").val();
$("#image p").load("test2.php?text=" + inputString + "&font=" + inputFont)
<style type="text/css">
#wrapper {
margin-top: 30px;
height: 50px;
width: 600px;
border: 1px solid black;
text-align: center;
#image {
padding-bottom: 80px;
border-style: none;
height: 100px;
width: 600px;
text-align: center;
<center><div id="image"><p> </p></div>
<div id="wrapper">
Engraved Text:<input size="30" id="inputString" type="text" />
Font:<select id="inputFont">
<option value="balmo">Balmoral</option>
<option value="clar">Clarendon</option>
<option value="curlz">Curlz</option>
<option value="english">Old English</option>
<option value="freehand">Freehand</option>
<option value="greek">Greek</option>
<option value="interlock">Interlocking Monogram</option>
<option value="times">Times</option>
<option value="3">Cool Engraving</option>
<option value="3">Cool Engraving</option>
<option value="3">Cool Engraving</option>
<option value="3">Cool Engraving</option>
<option value="3">Cool Engraving</option>
<input type="submit" id="generate" value="Generate!">
// VARIABLES ############################################################################
// The text to draw
$text = $_GET['text'];
//$text = 'poopie';
// Font File, don't need a slash if file is in same dir as php file
$font = $_GET['font'];
//$font = '1';
//size in PTS
$size = 78;
$angle = 0;
//Width of Canvas
$width = 500;
//Height of Canvas
$height = 200;
//Text Bounding Box Dimensions
$tb = imagettfbbox($size, $angle, $font, $text);
Output of imagettfbbox is an array as follows:
[0] => 0 // lower left X coordinate
[1] => -1 // lower left Y coordinate
[2] => 198 // lower right X coordinate
[3] => -1 // lower right Y coordinate
[4] => 198 // upper right X coordinate
[5] => -20 // upper right Y coordinate
[6] => 0 // upper left X coordinate
[7] => -20 // upper left Y coordinate
// Centering Function #####################################################################
// X Position Calculated by subtracting width of Text Bounding Box from total canvas width
$posx = ceil(($width - $tb[2]) / 2);
// Y Position Calculated by subtracting height of Text Bounding Box from total canvas height
$posy = ceil(($height - $tb[5]) / 2);
// Creating Image File
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// State Colors available to Image File
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 128, 128, 128);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, $angle, $width, $height, $white);
// Add the text
imagettftext($im, $size, $angle, $posx, $posy, $black, $font, $text);
// Usage of imagettftext()
// array imagettftext ( resource $image , float $size , float $angle , int $x , int $y , int $color , string $fontfile , string $text ) //
$file= "$text+$font.png";
imagepng($im, "img/$file");
$imgloc= "img/$file";
echo "<img src=$imgloc>";