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Old September 20th, 2006, 10:22 AM
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Default .Net Security and caspol.exe

Professional C# 2005 advises on page 493 to alter the Windows file security on the caspol utility to prevent unauthorized users or viruses from altering the security policy.

What are the minimum machine accounts that need access to this file?
Old June 29th, 2009, 06:09 PM
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I guess it's been about three years, so this question has been answered.

But it seems to me if the files (*.config.*) exist in a subfolder off of the Windows directory, it affects all users on that PC.

Regarding the books treatment of caspol -- are there a few pages dedicated to the subject?

I'm interested in how to backout the security changes it makes. I've tried using --
caspole -machine -reset (and other iterations) to no avail.

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