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Old May 7th, 2007, 10:10 AM
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Default VC# 2005 Express Errors NOT being thrown

Ok, hopefully someone can help me out on this because it doesn't make any sense to me.

I am writing a Windows application that goes out and hits a Database server and if the database server can not be located, I need to handle the exception (obviously).

So I tested my code first with the correct connection string and everything worked as necessary then I adjusted the connection string to contain an invalid server name so that a SqlException would be thrown. For some weird reason the exception is not being thrown inside my application to where the Catch statement picks up and continues processing.

If I look in my Output window I can see that the runtime detected a First Chance Exception of SqlClient.SqlException but, again, my catch statement is never evaluated.

I also tried to explicitly throw an error as well as divide by Zero and, in both cases, the Output Window saw the errors but my catch statements were not evaluated nor was a message sent back to the user.

Any ideas??

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Old May 9th, 2007, 07:37 AM
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Have you tried running it on another computer? It could just be a bug in MSVS, not a bug in your code.

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