IDbCommand Interface
I need to create a class to connect two databases (SQL & Sybase). Also execute Stored procedure and sql statements.
I'm using the interface IDbCommand to set the object command created depends on the dabase selected.
I have a Sybase stored procedure with one input parameter and one output parameter. I created two object ASEParameter and set at the Parameter's interface property.
When I execute the SP using the ExecuteNonQuery method, I check the value's output parameter
and it returns
'((Sybase.Data.AseClient.AseParameter)((new System.Collections.ArrayList.ArrayListDebugView(_o Comando.Parameters)).Items[1])).Value' threw an exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException'
But when I do the same procedure using SqlParameters and SQL Server stored procedure, it returns a correct value.
What it's the difference?
Whats wrong?