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Old April 4th, 2008, 10:52 AM
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Default TabControls dont want my buttons

this is my code inserted in the tvMSNContacts_OnDoubleClick() Method. tv is treeview.
            // This is the page that has the textbox with the IM's
            // conversation, the send button, and the close button.
            // Its part of my instant messenger.
            TabPage tpContact = new TabPage((string)Email);
            // I want to make the tpContact's name based on the
            // Buddies email

            // Make a textbox in the tab to hold incomming and
            // outgoing messages.
            TextBox tbConversation = new TextBox();
            tbConversation.Multiline = true;
            tbConversation.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
            tbConversation.Height += 200;

            // Make a button to send the data to your buddy
            Button btnSendData = new Button();
            btnSendData.Text = "Send";
            btnSendData.Location = new Point(263, 329);
            btnSendData.Click +=new EventHandler(btnSendData_Click);

            // Make a button to close this tab.
            Button btnCloseTab = new Button();
            btnCloseTab.Text = "Send";
            btnCloseTab.Location = new Point(6, 329);
            btnCloseTab.Click += new EventHandler(btnCloseTab_Click);

            // This is where i get the problem. The debugger
            // highlights "tcMSNConversation.Controls.Add
            // (btnSendData);"
            // Once this is fixed i would imaging the 3rd line gets
            // highlighted as well.

So how do i get the tab to show up with my contacts email as its text and how does the tab control get buttons on it? i did it in the designer but i need it done programatically because these tabs are going to show up whenever i get an incomming message or i double click a contacts name.

Old April 4th, 2008, 11:55 AM
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hi iceman,

Whats the error it gives you when the exception is thrown?

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Old April 4th, 2008, 06:34 PM
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An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

Additional information: Cannot add 'Button' to TabControl. Only TabPages can be directly added to TabControls.

thats what it says on the little window that pops up, it gives me the option to break or continue.

Additional information: Cannot add 'Button' to TabControl. Only TabPages can be directly added to TabControls.

maybe i am adding to the tab and not the tab page? Im gona experiment with that idea

Old April 4th, 2008, 06:39 PM
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The error explains the problem.

TabPages are what you need to add to your TabControl, not buttons. The TabPage will give you all of the functionality needed to flip back and forth between your various IMs.

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Old April 5th, 2008, 05:48 AM
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And the Exception Details shall set you freeeee! :)

The Developing Developer
Currently Working Towards: MCAD C#
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<center>"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal;
nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude".

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