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Old June 24th, 2008, 01:11 PM
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Default C# and Email

i have this code:

string Sub = "Your zip file";
string Body = "Thank you for using FileComp";

System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mailObj = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(Email, Email, Sub, Body); // I want to email it to myself

mailObj.Attachments.Add(new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(@"C:\zip.zip"));
            System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient smtpObj = new SmtpClient(System.Environment.MachineName);

the error says "Failure to send email"

Old June 24th, 2008, 02:09 PM
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i have also tried to pass my ip adress when using the SmtpClient constructor.

Old June 24th, 2008, 02:39 PM
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Is your local machine running an SMTP server?

Old June 24th, 2008, 03:02 PM
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prolly not...

how do i make it send an email without doing that?

none of the code snippets for using "MailMessge" had any mention of needing to run a server.

Old June 24th, 2008, 03:33 PM
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Well, sending mail without an SMTP server is like running a web site without an HTTP server. You simply can't.

You need to connect to some SMTP server. As long as you have the authority to drop mail on it you can use it. Generally your ISP's SMTP server will allow you to drop "anonymous" mail as long as you are on their network. Otherwise you need to connect with some credentials to the server.

Old June 24th, 2008, 04:27 PM
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im still kind of lost, how do i make the server? or use it?

i downloaded an SMTP server, started it. and my program can execute now without error, but when i check my email there is no message.

the software is found at http://www.softstack.com/advsmtp.html

Old June 25th, 2008, 08:27 AM
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I think you are over complicating this.

You have internet connectivity. Chances are this is with an ISP. Also, chances are that they have an SMTP server as well as a POP3 server that hosts their email services on their network. Look on their support pages for instructions on setting up email clients and you'll find the SMTP server address.

Setting up your own SMTP server is a possibility but it's not trivial (although in this day it really should be).

Old June 25th, 2008, 11:31 AM
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ok, i got the smtp server adress, but i need authentication, it said i use my verizon online name and password but how do i get that in code?

Old June 25th, 2008, 11:44 AM
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never mind, i did a google search

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