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Old May 4th, 2009, 03:03 AM
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Post Need help about MDI

I have a form named frmMain, a form named frmAddEmp and a form named frmDisplay:
The frmMain is parent of frmAddEmp and frmDisplay.
The frmMain has 2 menus : AddNew and Display.
Click AddNew the frmAddNew will be shown. This form allows to add new employee's info such as : name, address, email...
This form also has a button name Save.When I click this button, the new employee's info will be display on listview of the frmDisplay.
The frmDisplay will be shown by click menu Display.
I can not do this problem.(I added new employee by click button Save but when I open frmDisplay , that employee info does not show)
By the way , the helper, could you give me your email.
Thank you.

Last edited by khb3283; May 4th, 2009 at 09:37 AM..
Old May 4th, 2009, 07:44 AM
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Could you please explain what is the problem???

also, is this C# what are you working with??


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Read this if you want to know how to get a correct reply for your question.
(Took that from Doug signature and he Took that from Peter profile)
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I know that CVS was evil, and now i got the
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Old May 5th, 2009, 12:27 AM
Posts: n/a

Are you saving the details name, address, email...
or sending the information to frmDisplay...

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