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Old June 26th, 2010, 07:39 PM
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Default In C# (or in C# with WPF), how would I build a checkbox at run time?

In C# (or in C# with WPF), how would I build a checkbox at run time? I would I be able to query the check box to see if the user clicked on it?

In other words, suppose I have a "grid" on which I want to have displayed some checkboxes. But I do not know how many checkboxes to display. I suppose I could (in WPF) fill the grid with checkboxes at design time and mark them as hidden (or visibly == false) and then show them at run time. But I was hoping there was a more elegant way to do this.
Old June 29th, 2010, 10:22 PM
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Here is the pseudo code

GridViewCell myCheckboxCell = new GridViewCell();
myCheckboxCell .cellStyle = checkbox;

//Add new row
myGridView.Rows[ ].Cell[ ] = myCheckBoxCell

I believe there are other ways to do it.

With regards,

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