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Old August 16th, 2010, 10:29 AM
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Default Crystal Report: Change ODBC connection to dynamic dataset from csv file?

Hi All,

The Problem:

I currently have a few hundred crystal reports which get populated via an ODBC connection. I have to programmatically change this so I can populate a DataSet from a csv file and then populate a report based on the dataset. The main aim is to do this without actually modifying any of the reports (as that would mean months of re-testing of hundreds of reports....and common, who likes to fight with the testing department ;->)

The ideal solution:

My app gets 3 parameters 1) actual report location, 2) report parameter csv file location 3) report data csv file location. To over-ride the ODBC connection specified in the report and populate the report via a dataset populated from the specified csv file.

So far:

At the moment I load the report, populate the report's parameters with those specified in the csv file, create a dataset based on the data csv file and set the report dataset with cryReport.SetDataSource(ds.Tables["tableX"]). The table name in the dataset has been kept the same as the default table name used in all the reports.

The problem seems to be that the report is not pulling in any of the data specified in the DataSet? As far as I can gather from searching the net, you can only populate a report with a strongly typed dataset? I don't see how you can create a strongly typed dataset programmatically for each dataset every-time the application is called, as this cannot be done beforehand.

I would appreciate any direction or help with this problem!



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