Dear All,
anyone could pls help me with CheckedListBox control on a window form... i've been in many forums but no-one has answered my problem:(.
I have two tables: Person table (PersonID, Name, InterestID(FK)), and Interest table (InterestID, Interest).
I had displayed all vallues from the Interest column in Interest table in a CheckedListBox, using array and Select SqlCommand. Now, my problem is, how could I record any boxes checked by the user to choose the interests of a person?
Then, how could I have checkboxes checked/unchecked depending on the values of InterestID of a person in its table when showing a person's details (pre-selecting the check-boxes), then be able to do any changes/updates to its interests by checking/uncheking boxes, then record those changes to the particular person table.
THANKS so much^^.