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Old August 13th, 2004, 03:52 PM
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Default get a collection of filenames/paths from a dir?

DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(@"c:\");
FileInfo[] fileArray = directory.GetFiles("*.deck");

using that, I now have an array of FileInfo objects for the files I want to look at.

but here's what I want to do:

I want to have a listbox form control that displays a list of the NAMES (just the filename without the extention .deck) *.deck files from a particular directory. and I want to load a deck file when it is doubleclicked in the listbox.

so I'm thinking I should create a collection of objects that each just have the correctly formatted Name and the Path to use for loading. I can't figure out how to do that though...and I'm not sure that's the best way anyway.

how would you recommend I go about doing my listbox? is there by chance a built-in class that would help me?

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