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Old August 3rd, 2003, 05:01 PM
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Default #region text in RichTextBox?

Hi there,

  I'm looking to duplicate the #region effect (in the code window) in a text box.

Basically, I want to read in a long text file, and break it down into sections. If the user wants to view that section, he hits the [+] and it expands out.

Is there any way to do this? Or has anyone tried anything like this? It's similar to a treeview, except I can't format the text the way I'd like to.

 - Michael

Old August 7th, 2003, 12:49 PM
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Cheap $0.02:
I'd look at a tree view control, rather than a textbox.
Otherwise, you could creat your own component that uses a treeview within a text box.

Not much experience with tree views, though. Sorry.


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