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Old May 2nd, 2005, 04:13 PM
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Default Howto Serialize System.Exception?

Does anyone know how to serialize a System.Exception in C#? When I try to do it I get an error messages saying this...

The property 'TargetSite' on type 'System.Exception' cannot be serialized because it is decorated with declarative security permission attributes. Consider using imperative asserts or demands in the property accessors.

Searching for the answer has not provided me with a solution. I found this article but I doesn't help me much. I cannot figure out what I have to do to make the serialization work. Hope you can help me? Do you know some good information about this?

Thanks, Jacob.
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 03:40 PM
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I think if you use BinaryFormatter instead of XmlSerializer there would be no problem,Have you tried that or do you insist on serializing exceptions to the XML?

software student.
Old November 3rd, 2006, 01:26 PM
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quote:Originally posted by jacob
 Does anyone know how to serialize a System.Exception in C#?...
jacob --

Regarding how to serialize an Exception, did you find an answer?

If you did, then please post your results, if at all possible.

Thank you.

-- Mark Kamoski
Old November 6th, 2006, 12:12 PM
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Hope this helps:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace Common.CustomExceptions

    /// <summary>
    /// Custom exception.
    /// </summary>
    public class CustomExceptionBase: ApplicationException

        // Local private members
        protected DateTime _dateTime = DateTime.Now;
        protected String _machineName = Environment.MachineName;
        protected String _exceptionType = "";
        private String _exceptionDescription = "";
        protected String _stackTrace = "";
        protected String _assemblyName = "";
        protected String _messageName = "";
        protected String _messageId = "";
        protected Hashtable _data = null;
        protected String _source = "";
        protected Int32 _exceptionNumber = 0;

        public CustomExceptionBase(): base()
            if (Environment.StackTrace != null)
                this._stackTrace = Environment.StackTrace;

        public CustomExceptionBase(Int32 exceptionNumber): base()
            this._exceptionNumber = exceptionNumber;
            if (Environment.StackTrace != null)
                this._stackTrace = Environment.StackTrace;

        public CustomExceptionBase(Int32 exceptionNumber, String message): base(message)
            this._exceptionNumber = exceptionNumber;
            if (Environment.StackTrace != null)
                this._stackTrace = Environment.StackTrace;

        public CustomExceptionBase(Int32 exceptionNumber, String message, Exception innerException):
            base(message, innerException)
            this._exceptionNumber = exceptionNumber;
            if (Environment.StackTrace != null)
                this._stackTrace = Environment.StackTrace;

        public CustomExceptionBase(Int32 exceptionNumber, String message, Exception innerException, String messageName, String mqMessageId):
            base(message, innerException)
            this._exceptionNumber = exceptionNumber;
            this._messageId = mqMessageId;
            this._messageName = messageName;
            if (Environment.StackTrace != null)
                this._stackTrace = Environment.StackTrace;

        public CustomExceptionBase(Int32 exceptionNumber, String message, Exception innerException, String messageName, String mqMessageId, String source):
            base(message, innerException)
            this._exceptionNumber = exceptionNumber;
            this._messageId = mqMessageId;
            this._messageName = messageName;
            this._source = source.Equals("") ? this._source : source;
            if (Environment.StackTrace != null)
                this._stackTrace = Environment.StackTrace;

        #region ISerializable members

        /// <summary>
        /// This CTor allows exceptions to be marhalled accross remoting boundaries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        protected CustomExceptionBase(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) :
            this._dateTime = info.GetDateTime("_dateTime");
            this._machineName = info.GetString("_machineName");
            this._stackTrace = info.GetString("_stackTrace");
            this._exceptionType = info.GetString("_exceptionType");
            this._assemblyName = info.GetString("_assemblyName");
            this._messageName = info.GetString("_messageName");
            this._messageId = info.GetString("_messageId");
            this._exceptionDescription = info.GetString("_exceptionDescription");
            this._data = (Hashtable)info.GetValue("_data", Type.GetType("System.Collections.Hashtable"));

        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            info.AddValue("_dateTime", this._dateTime);
            info.AddValue("_machineName", this._machineName);
            info.AddValue("_stackTrace", this._stackTrace);
            info.AddValue("_exceptionType", this._exceptionType);
            info.AddValue("_assemblyName", this._assemblyName);
            info.AddValue("_messageName", this._messageName);
            info.AddValue("_messageId", this._messageId);
            info.AddValue("_exceptionDescription", this._exceptionDescription);
            info.AddValue("_data", this._data, Type.GetType("System.Collections.Hashtable"));
            base.GetObjectData (info, context);


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