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Old March 18th, 2006, 02:13 PM
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Default Dynamic checkbox and radiobutton lists

I am using C#.NET and want to have dynamically created checkboxes and radio buttons. My database connection is hardcoded in (not using the .NET connection) and I want to retrieve information from the database, display it in either a checkbox list, or a radio button list, and allow users to check or click their choice. It is easy enough to set up either list, but I do not know how to populate them from a database. Any help or hints would be welcome.

Old April 5th, 2006, 05:04 AM
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Hi !

this example works with a panel

1/ Create table like this :
System.Controls.Checkbox CheckTable[];
2/ instanciations
CheckTable = new Checkbox[number_checkbox];
3/ populate table, in "while" or "for" as you like
int counter=0;
int beginning=8; //used for location
while ...
CheckTable[counter] = new Checkbox();
CheckTable[counter].Text = Text_to_show;
CheckTable[counter].Location=new System.Drawing.Point(8,depart);*
CheckTable[counter].Size=new Size(16,15);
CheckTable[counter].CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.Check_CheckedChanged);
depart += 24;

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