How to capture the combobox text ???
I use the DataSource like below to fill a Combobox:
comboBox1.DataSource = dataSet1.Tables["Suppliers"];
comboBox1.DisplayMember = "ProductName";
When the user types any keyboard key i use the DROPDOWN property, like below, to show all combobox itens:
this.comboBox1.DroppedDown = true;
I use the content of the Combobox text to update my database.
I have a problem when the combobox lost focus, because the combobox text is cleaned. And its impossible to update the Database.
This only occurs when the user typing a new combobox item in a combobox text.
If i disable the Drop Down property my code works whell.
There is a way to make the DROP DOWN property works together the LOST FOCUS without clearing the new Combobox Text???