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Old April 6th, 2006, 05:44 PM
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Default Method calls within same class w/Interface

In the following code snippet, the ITest interface function "Paint()" is being implemented in the TestPaint class. I'm trying to see if I can call the class's implementation of Paint() from another function without creating an instance of ITest.
Is this possible?

namespace WindowsApplication1
    interface ITest
        void Paint();

    public class TestPaint : ITest
        void ITest.Paint()
            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox("Paint called");

        public void TestPaint()
            ITest interfaceOfTest; //Don't want to have to
            interfaceOfTest = (ITest)this; //do all this just to
            interfaceOfTest.Paint(); //call TestPaint.Paint()

  Gabriel Montanaro

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