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Old September 7th, 2005, 03:58 PM
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Default inserting yes/no value into Access DB using ASP

I have a form that inserts info into a recordset of an Access DB, i want to add an insert for a yes/no data type using a checkbox. The Field Name is WCIcon, normally you put the WCIcon
value="<%=strWCIcon%>" but here the checkbox value is off or on. Any suggestions

<input type="checkbox" name="C1" value="off">

I then want to list all records, both ones with the ICon turned on and ones with the icon turned off. here is the code.

<%for i=1 to 3%>
      <td width="403" valign="top" colspan="2" height="9">
      <%if WCIcon=1 then%> <img border="0" src="webcast/Icon_ON.gif"><%else%><img border="0" src="webcast/Icon_OFF.gif">< <%end if%>
        <%=left(rs("pressTitle"),100)%><%if len(rs("pressTitle"))>60 then Response.Write "..."%></a></td>


Old September 20th, 2005, 12:00 AM
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How about this:
Dim Rs
Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Rs.Open SomeSQLStatement, SomeConnection, 1, 3
If Trim(Request.Form("C1")) = "off" Then
  Rs("WCIcon") = True
  Rs("WCIcon") = False
End If
Set Rs = Nothing
As a note - checkboxes can't have values of off or on, they're either one thing or they're nothing, so in your example, the value would be "off" if it was checked.

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