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Old October 10th, 2005, 04:17 PM
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Default Accessing the Server Database

 I'm new to ASP so hopefully my question is simple to answer. How many times can I access a database on the server in a single ASP/ADO web page? I have a validation page that accesses 2 different queries. The only way the code works is when I take one of the open connection statements off the page and only leave one of them. Hope this question makes sense.


Old October 10th, 2005, 06:35 PM
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;;;How many times can I access a database on the server in a single ASP/ADO web page?

As many times as you like. Generaly you connect, get your record sets (as many as you like) use the records then close your connection. Or you can place the records in an array using RS.getRows close your connection then use the arrays.

;;;Hope this question makes sense
Is a bit confusing. You only need to connect once on each page. Connect whwn you need records then close the connection when you have finished using the records.

How do I do it:
Function GetConnectionString()
   GetConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Password=localAdmin; Persist Security Info=True; User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=MHQohs; Data Source=LTJJ2571S;"
End Function

No when you want to open a connection call the function (once on each page you need it):
Set Conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")

sql = "..."
set RS = conn.execute(sql)

sql = "..."
set RS2 = conn.execute(sql)

-----------page content use records---------

now when you have finished with your dynamic data:

   if isObject(RS) then set RS = nothing end if
   if isObject(RS2) then set RS2 = nothing end if
   set conn= nothing

Wind is your friend
Old October 13th, 2005, 08:29 AM
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If i interpret your Q correctly(one of the open connection statements), u can have only one OPEN CONNECTION statement for a databse connection. That is quite sufficient for as many times accessing the db.


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