Hi All,
I have this script that basically takes information from an XML file and checks one condition, and then inserts it into a SQL Server Database. I need to use a access database instead, so I changes the connection string and it seems to connect to the database ok. Here is the code (its a .vbs file)
Dim XMLDom
Dim ItemID
Dim DbConn
Dim SQLString
Dim ANArticleNode
Dim CollectionOfArticleNodes
Set XMLDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.4.0")
XMLDom.async = False
XMLDom.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
Set DbConn = Createobject("adodb.connection")
DbConn.open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=casinonewsxml.mdb"
'-- Load the XML data from your live URL
XMLDom.Load("http://directnews.dehavilland.co.uk/webhost.asp?wci=feed&wcp=xmlresults&wcu=172323S123 45S0S0S0S1S0S0S0S0S1S0S0S0&orderid=1")
'-- Create a reference to a collection of all Article Tags within the downloaded XML Document
Set CollectionOfArticleNodes = XMLDom.SelectNodes("InfoStreamResults/Article")
'-- Iterate the collection of Article Tags
For Each ANArticleNode in CollectionOfArticleNodes
ItemID = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("@ID").text
Heading = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("Heading").text
Contents = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("Contents").text
sDate = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("Date").text
'-- Delete the item from the local database if it exists
SQLString = "DELETE FROM DeHavillandNews WHERE ItemID='" & ItemID & "';"
'-- Insert the item into the local database
SQLString = "INSERT INTO DeHavillandNews (ItemID,Heading,Contents,Date) " _
& "VALUES('" & ItemID & "','" & EncodeIt(Heading) & "','" & EncodeIt(Contents) & "', '" & sDate & "');"
'-- Handles quotations in text
Function EncodeIt(TextString)
TextString = Replace(CStr(TextString), "''", "'")
TextString = Replace(TextString, "'", "''")
EncodeIt = TextString
End Function
when I run the code I get an error on this line :
and the error says this :
Syntax Error in INSERT INTO statment.
I have also attached a screen shot of how my database is set up.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be going wrong with this? I really appreciate your help
Fogo. :)