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Old May 12th, 2006, 11:21 AM
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Default Day of week finder

Working on a cross tab display and need to find the day of week for a given DateTime variable in Classic ASP.
I am displaying 7 days and need to set the column by the day to insert a value.
Any one ever did this type of thing and used it?

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Old May 12th, 2006, 11:41 AM
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There is a function named WeekDay.

In its simplest form you use can see it working like this:

<% response.write weekday(now) %>
This will return a number for the day of the week of the date you pass in. For example, for Friday, this would return 6.

I hope that helps

Woody Z http://www.learntoprogramnow.com
Old May 12th, 2006, 01:39 PM
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I think weekday is probably working, I am building an xml of the data and trying to set the column ID by the weekday.
It seems to ignore the statement
<col id="3"> and just insert the column as it is created.

Any ideas?

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Old May 12th, 2006, 01:44 PM
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I am not understanding what exactly you are asking.
Perhaps you can clarify this a bit?


Woody Z http://www.learntoprogramnow.com
Old May 12th, 2006, 02:03 PM
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I build the columns 0-8 and 2-8 are mon - sun.
I want to place the information from the aInbound array in the column under the correct weekday and leave the others blank.

Stream.WriteText " <col id="" & weekday(aInbound(1, llRowIndex)) & "">" & aInbound(2, llRowIndex) & "</col>" & vbCrLf

The result of aInbound(1, llRowIndex) is a date '02/12/2006 03:13:00'

Even if i replace that with a number '5' it still writes it to the 3rd column in on the page.

Any ideas?

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Old May 12th, 2006, 03:18 PM
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Unfortunately, there seems to be insufficient information - or I am just not understanding.

As far as I understand it so far:
1 - You are using ASP, not ASP.NET
2 - You are writing some xml
3 - You are using an object named "Stream", which I am guessing is a TextStream object.

So... my questions:
1 - what are you actually doing with the XML once you have created it?
2 - Are you somehow are converting the xml to HTML? and if so, how are you doing this?
3 - Or... are you using the XML as a data island? or?

Regardless of what you put into the "col" element for the "id" attribute, this doens't mean anything to the browser. The id is just that, a unique identifier for that element. So, I have to assume you are doing something with the xml you are creating - so it is not the xml itself that is the problem, but rather how it is being processed once it is created.


Woody Z http://www.learntoprogramnow.com
Old May 13th, 2006, 04:43 PM
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You are correct the ID was just a marker for tracking, it didnt control the display order.
After talking with a few people here, I am getting the information formatted in a pivot table from the stored procedure and just displaying that result.
I appriciate your help.

Be excellent to each other...

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