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Old June 7th, 2006, 06:29 AM
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Default Calculate time (minutes) between two times


I has a starttime and finish time. I need to calculate the minutos between them. Is there a command that does that?

i have:

Start_time= TimeValue(rs("starttime"))
Finish_time= TimeValue(rs("finishtime"))

Any help is welcome



Old June 7th, 2006, 09:38 AM
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The method you are looking for is DateDiff:

response.write DateDiff("n", Start_time, Finish_time)

The first parameter is a string that indicates the interval you are interested in using - it can be seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years or a few other options. Using n for this parameter indicates the difference is in minutes.

Woody Z http://www.learntoprogramnow.com
Old June 7th, 2006, 09:45 AM
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Thx WoodyZ.

I also found a way to do it. It gives me also the hours. Athought it is much more complicated (taken from a math formule) it might be interesting:
Time_start_hour= Hour(time_first)
Time_start_min= Minute(time_first)
Time_finish_hour= Hour(time_last)
Time_finish_min= Minute(time_last)

' Check if stop minutes are more than start minutes
If (Time_finish_min > Time_start_min) then
    Time_total_min= Time_finish_min- Time_start_min
    Time_total_hour= Time_finish_hour- Time_start_hour
    Time_total_min= (Time_finish_min + 60)- Time_start_min
    Time_total_hour= (Time_finish_hour-1)- Time_start_hour
End if

Maybe this can help other people also.....

Cheerio and THX again


Old December 17th, 2007, 10:54 AM
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Dear i am facing a probelm to calculate the time between two times in asp i m using this code from your posted topic at forums http://p2p.wrox.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=45372 but dear problem is if a person login at 11/11/07 11:30PM and logout at 12/11/07 01:30AM the person has spent 2hrs but following code shows -23:00 how to correct this problem since it only occurs when there is a change of day

my code is below


Time_start_hour= Hour(time_in)
Time_start_min= Minute(time_in)
Time_finish_hour= Hour(time)
Time_finish_min= Minute(time)

'***************Time Calcultion ***************************
start_time = Time_start_hour &":"& time_start_min
finish_time = Time_finish_hour &":"& Time_finish_min
'Min_Diff = DateDiff("n", Finish_time, Start_time)
'finish_time = time
' Check if stop minutes are more than start minutes
If (Time_finish_min > Time_start_min) then
    Time_total_min= Time_finish_min- Time_start_min
    Time_total_hour= Time_finish_hour- Time_start_hour
    Time_total_min= (Time_finish_min + 60)- Time_start_min
    Time_total_hour= (Time_finish_hour-1)- Time_start_hour

end if

Waiting your reply
Adil Irshad.

Old December 17th, 2007, 12:13 PM
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If you work with actual dates (which include time) you can then use the Date functions that are provided by VBScript. Here is an example:

Start_Time = now
End_Time = DateAdd("n", 5, Start_Time)
response.write "Start_Time: " & Start_Time & "<br/>"
response.write "End_Time: " & End_Time & "<br/>"

response.write "Difference in minutes: " & DateDiff("n", Start_Time, End_Time) & "<br/><br/>"

Start_Time = "11/11/07 11:30PM"
End_Time = "11/12/07 1:30AM"
response.write "Start_Time: " & Start_Time & "<br/>"
response.write "End_Time: " & End_Time & "<br/>"  
response.write "Difference in hours: " & DateDiff("h", Start_Time, End_Time)
This will ouput the following
Start_Time: 12/17/2007 8:09:52 AM
End_Time: 12/17/2007 8:14:52 AM
Difference in minutes: 5

Start_Time: 11/11/07 11:30PM
End_Time: 11/12/07 1:30AM
Difference in hours: 2

You can see that the first parameter in DateDiff is used to indicate the time or date unit that you want for the result of the DateDiff call.


Woody Z
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Old December 17th, 2007, 12:45 PM
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Thanks for reply but code is still not working

i use this code

start_time = time_in

End_Time = now

End_Time = DateAdd("n", end_time, start_Time)
response.write "Difference in hours: " & DateDiff("h", Start_Time, End_Time)

but not Calculation is incorrect if you like i may send you my file you may check it and fix this error please

waiting you reply

Old December 17th, 2007, 03:50 PM
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Did you try my example? Make sure you can get that to work first. It will help you understand how this works.

Your time_in must contain a date for this to work.
If time_in is not a date, you have to do whatever is needed to turn it into a date.

What value is contained in the time_in variable in your code?

Woody Z
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Old December 18th, 2007, 12:27 AM
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For your purpose the following method is usefull.

DateDiff("n", Start_time, Finish_time)

The first parameter is a string that indicates the interval you are interested in using - it can be seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years or a few other options.

Using n for this parameter indicates the difference is in minutes.

Surendra Parashar
Old December 18th, 2007, 09:02 AM
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Thanks for reply, code is now working properly but there is a 1 more problem like if a person come online at 11/15/07 1:58PM and logout 11/15/07 2:10PM and Time display like 1hr and 12 Mint but the person login only for 12 Mints so please check it and let me know Thanks

Old December 19th, 2007, 02:52 AM
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Please show your actual code

Woody Z
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