Hello DjKat,
I actually did find a JavaScript solution for this at
This solution works great at notifying the user when their session is about to timeout. This is because my site is dynamic, so each page is loaded as a script from the one main page currentpage.asp. Here's the code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function checker()
reply = false;
reply = confirm('Your session will expire in 5 minutes. Do you want to continue?')
if (reply)
//Redirect to current page to extend sessions
//Redirect to logoff.asp
//1 second equals 1000 milliseconds
setTimeout("checker()", 10000); //10 seconds
Response.Write("<body onLoad=""setTimeout('checker()', 10000);"">")
I also used a simple server-side script to redirect the user when the session has timed out:
If Session("Group") = "" Then
End If
So now I'll set the times to work with the standard 20 minute timeout, and it should work fine. Thanks for your input.