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Old November 19th, 2003, 08:26 AM
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Default Login with username and password

Is there a standard block of code to use as a login. The connection is already open to the DB and I have 2 text box called "UserName" and "password" with a login button. I just need to call a function to login and I want "user" to hold the session variable so I can use in a select case


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Old November 19th, 2003, 10:51 AM
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There is no standard block of code for a login feature. You need to figure out what has to happen to log in the user. If this is checking the username and password against a database table, then that's what you need to do. You could create this as a function so you could use it in multiple places if need be (if that's what you mean by "standard block").

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Old November 19th, 2003, 11:03 AM
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Okay then my question is can I use this in my form tag to call my function in a ConformLogin.asp
<FORM ACTION="ConfirmLogin.asp" NAME="login" METHOD="POST">
If so, do I need asp code aroud the two text boxes. How does the function know what the text boxes are holding for values. Or can you just use the name given to the text boxes(declared in the form tags)in the function or do they have to be assign to variables??

Thanks for your help

Old November 19th, 2003, 11:19 AM
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I guess I'm not quite sure of your goal here. Do you have a login form on several pages? If that's what you are trying to do, then you could have the login form point to the same page and you only need to have that one page handle. You just have to make sure that you draw the form the same (with the same names for the input boxes).

If you want to have a login form in multiple places, I'd recommend creating a function that drawns said form so you don't have to code it over and over. Put this function in an include file. Any page that's wants to have the login form on the page can then just call the drawLoginForm() function. The form always points to the same page (confirmlogin.asp)

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Old November 19th, 2003, 11:54 AM
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I guess I am confusing myself as well as you. In my confirmLogin.asp I have it set up to validate the user name and password with the database. And I only have one place to login, I just thought it would be cleaner if I used 1 file to login with. So I need to call the confirmLogin.asp from my form, I tried this but it's not working

<script Language="vbscript">
sub Login_OnCLick()
    session("UserID") = "UserId"
    session("Password") = "Password"

response.redirect "ConfirmLogin.asp"
end sub

Assuming my confirmLogin code is correct how do I get this part of it to work, going from the form to the confirmLogin.asp. I called each text box UserId and Password respectively. Thanks for your help

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