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Old January 16th, 2008, 10:31 AM
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Default Page breaks in a table


This problem has been eluding me for a while and wondered if any of you guys have found a workable solution.

I have a results table which can overlap into several pages which cuts the table between the pages.

What i am trying to find with no luck is a way of using a page break which closes and opens the the table correctly in the next page.

The tables are created with standard for loops and wondering if in the loop i can add an if statement that can check if at end of page add page break ect.

I am happy to give an example of the table creation if this would help.



Old January 16th, 2008, 06:11 PM
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In relation to what, printing?

Wind is your friend
Old January 17th, 2008, 04:46 AM
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My apologies Mat,

Yes in regards to printing.

I have used CSS to set the page break on static pages eg

.break { page-break-before: always; }
<table class="break"><table>
But need to find a way of adding a page break with in the For loop so that the results table is not cut at the bottom of the first page and at the top of the second for instance.

If you have any ideas that would be superb.



Old January 17th, 2008, 06:25 PM
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I suspected so. If I put a page together where I know printing will be a problen in this fashion I desing the table with this in mind - IMO depending on the table design there is no problem with the table having breaks for printing.

I impliment breaks a little differently. you place the instruction in the table tag, I tend to us this style:


And place it in a td like so:

<Td><BR class="newpage"></td>

Not a solution to your question however another way to do the same thing, does this change things? A CSS expert may have better input for you

Wind is your friend
Old January 18th, 2008, 01:39 PM
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Cheers Matt,

That must be the Auzi way lol ..

Yes a more elegant css approach than my draconian solution.

I'll have a browse of CSS specific pages to see if i can find a solution to my table breaking issue.



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