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Old October 15th, 2008, 12:25 PM
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Default Recordset Manipulation

Chaps, Wondering if you can help.

I am currently mapping some SQL results into a graphical output for some trend analysis.

The Results are from a login counter with three fields -

logintable - Example table name

User Unique ID - Field name not needed
Login Count - Example Field name logincount (numeric)
Date Logged - Example Field name datelogged (smalldatetime)

The example results would be

logincount | datelogged
6 15/10/2008
2 15/10/2008
7 15/10/2008
1 14/10/2008
2 14/10/2008
6 13/10/2008
6 13/10/2008

What i am trying to manipulate is to return one instance of the date and the overal count per date eg -

logincount | datelogged
15 15/10/2008
3 14/10/2008
12 13/10/2008

Example Record set retrieval

rs.Open"Select * from logintable",ConString
Do Until rs.eof
LogCount = rs("logincount")
DateLog = rs("datelogged")
I have played with creating temp arrays and compares but all about as effective as warming your house with a candle.

Any suggestions would be greatly received..



Old October 15th, 2008, 02:04 PM
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Just need to use the right SQL.

SQL = "SELECT datelogged, SUM(logincount) AS logins " _
    & " FROM logintable " _
    & " GROUP BY datelogged " _
    & " ORDER BY datelogged"
rs.Open SQL ,ConString
Do Until rs.eof
    Response.Write rs("datelogged") & ": " & rs("logins") & "<br>" & vbNewLine
Old October 15th, 2008, 03:17 PM
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Thanks Old Pedant,

I normally find myself using asp to overcome my lack of contructive SQl knowledge.

Noted i need to look much further into SQL's vast functionality.



Old October 15th, 2008, 03:32 PM
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Just to show how you *COULD* do this via ASP (and I am *NOT* recommending this, for such a simple case, but...):
' avoid using SELECT * and *always* use an ORDER BY
rs.Open "Select datelogged, logincount from logintable ORDER BY datelogged", ConString

priorDate = rs("dateLogged")
sum = 0

Do While True
   dump = rs.EOF
   If Not dump Then dump = priorDate <> rs("datelogged")
   If dump Then
       Response.Write priorDate & "::" & sum & "<br>" & vbNewLine
       sum = 0
   End If
   If rs.EOF Then Exit Do
   priorDate = rs("datelogged")
   sum = sum + rs("logincount")
See why the SQL solution is so much better? <grin/>
Old October 15th, 2008, 03:45 PM
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The likelihood would have been my Neanderthal grip of asp would have produced a considerably longer number of lines..

Noted the SQL version is much simpler.. One further light bulb dimly lit.



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