Chaps, Wondering if you can help.
I am currently mapping some SQL results into a graphical output for some trend analysis.
The Results are from a login counter with three fields -
logintable - Example table name
User Unique ID - Field name not needed
Login Count - Example Field name logincount (numeric)
Date Logged - Example Field name datelogged (smalldatetime)
The example results would be
logincount | datelogged
6 15/10/2008
2 15/10/2008
7 15/10/2008
1 14/10/2008
2 14/10/2008
6 13/10/2008
6 13/10/2008
What i am trying to manipulate is to return one instance of the date and the overal count per date eg -
logincount | datelogged
15 15/10/2008
3 14/10/2008
12 13/10/2008
Example Record set retrieval
rs.Open"Select * from logintable",ConString
Do Until rs.eof
LogCount = rs("logincount")
DateLog = rs("datelogged")
I have played with creating temp arrays and compares but all about as effective as warming your house with a candle.
Any suggestions would be greatly received..