Error while creating User acc In AD
I am getting the following error while executing a script to create an AD account:
"error '8000401a'
The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password.
/finder/CreateADUser.asp, line 423 "
This section of the script which displays all the available OU's available in a drop down is exhibiting the error:
dim arrReturned
Set moveuser= CreateObject("prjmoveuser.clsmoveuser")
'Response.Write "lastIndex=" & lastIndex
Set moveuser = nothing
<SELECT id=selOu name=selOu style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 214px;">
<%for iCtr=0 to lastIndex%>
<OPTION <%if trim(Request("selOu"))=split(arrReturned(iCtr),"|" )(0) then %> selected
<% end if %> value="<%=split(arrReturned(iCtr),"|")(0)%>"><%=sp lit(arrReturned(iCtr),"|")(1)%>
Here the line having "Set moveuser= CreateObject("prjmoveuser.clsmoveuser") " is throwing the is the line 423,
Thanks and Regards,