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Old November 20th, 2008, 11:37 AM
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Default Mouse Tooltip in ASP

Hello All,

I am looking to implement Mouse Tooltip in dynamic dropdown box in my form.

My requirments are:
1) I have a dropdown box that gets populated on selection of previous dropdown box selection. In the second dropdown box i should have the mouse tooltip to display information on moving the mouse over the attributes of the second dropdown box.

2) the tip should vary from attribute to attribute.

Thank you all for the help.

Old November 20th, 2008, 09:24 PM
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Nothing whatsoever to do with ASP.

All a matter of HTML and JavaScript and what the browser is capable of.

And you can't use ONMOUSEOVER with the <OPTION>s of a <SELECT>.

So if you really want to do this, you'll have to use something *OTHER* than a standard <SELECT>. Use DHTML to simulate a drop down list, perhaps.

Not too hard, but requires an understanding of JavaScript and HTML.
Old November 21st, 2008, 04:14 AM
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quote:Originally posted by Old Pedant
 Nothing whatsoever to do with ASP.

All a matter of HTML and JavaScript and what the browser is capable of.

And you can't use ONMOUSEOVER with the <OPTION>s of a <SELECT>.

So if you really want to do this, you'll have to use something *OTHER* than a standard <SELECT>. Use DHTML to simulate a drop down list, perhaps.

Not too hard, but requires an understanding of JavaScript and HTML.


Could you please help me some sample code??

Your help is highly appreciated.


Old November 21st, 2008, 06:45 AM
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Please ignore my previous post. I have decided to change my logic for the form i want to design.

My next requirement is:
1) I have 2 drop downs and one plain textbox
2) When i am selecting any value in the first dropdown, my second drop down should populate (which i am able to do).
3) on selection of the 2nd drop down value my 3rd plain textbox should populate with a single line note.

Please help me with the 3rd point.

Thanks a lot

Old November 21st, 2008, 05:21 PM
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Well, a handful of very different ways to do that. I think I'd like to see your code that populates the 2nd dropdown before trying to answer. Should give an answer that is most compatible with what you already have.

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