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Old June 4th, 2004, 11:00 AM
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Default Compare 2 tables....

I have 2 tables. tblJobs and tblquotes. I need an ASP page to compare 4 fields in each, if it meets the criteria, then write to HTMl.
the fields in both are:
surname, forname, dest_code. These have to match exactly, but then the 4th field "who_create" has to be different....so any help would be appreciated......thanks guys
Old June 4th, 2004, 11:46 AM
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Just open two recordsets, one for each table, and compare the fields by

if ( objRS("surname") = objRS2("surname") ) then
... etc ...

Is this even close to what you are looking for? Are we talking one record or more than one? In addition, what database are you using?


Old June 4th, 2004, 05:47 PM
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I think this syntax is correct for an ASP union query and it might work. I'm just not sure if it grabs distinct out of each table or both without trying it out first. Either way it is pretty close to what you need without having to compare things with your code.

sql = "select distinct tblJobs.SurName AS SurName, tblJobs.ForName AS ForName,"
sql = sql & " tblJobs.Dest_Code AS DestCode tblJobs.Who_Create AS WhoCreate"
sql = sql & " from tblJobs"

sql = sql & " unionall"

sql = sql & "select distinct tblQuotes.SurName AS SurName, tblQuotes.ForName AS ForName,"
sql = sql & " tblQuotes.Dest_Code AS DestCode tblQuotes.Who_Create AS WhoCreate"
sql = sql & " from tblQuotes"

sql = sql & " order by whatever...

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