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Old March 31st, 2005, 12:13 PM
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Default Distinct SELECT DISTINCT question...

Okay... Here is my conundrum. I have a table of products. This table is a list of products with associated components listed under one specific system number:

Sysno | Item Number | Description | Rate
  1 | C123C | Laptop | 250
  1 | A987A | Lap. Memory |
  1 | A876A | Lap. Case |
  2 | C234C | Projector | 300
  2 | A765A | Proj. Case |
  2 | A654A | Proj. Bulb |
  3 | C345C | Technician | 50
  3 | A543A | Travel |

I realize that this is NOT an ideal product list, but I cannot modify it as it is the company's master database for a completely different complex piece of software.

I want to select all the data from each row (like SELECT *) BUT I only want the first of the distinct Sysno fields so my recordset would look like this:

Sysno | Item Number | Description | Rate
  1 | C123C | Laptop | 250
  2 | C234C | Projector | 300
  3 | C345C | Technician | 50

How can I accomplish this through a heavily modified Select statement?

Thank you all SO much in advance!

Old March 31st, 2005, 03:16 PM
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Try this..not sure what databae are you using

SQL Server T-SQL Query

SELECT Sysno,Item_Number,[Description],Rate
From Table
Group By Sysno,Item_Number,[Description],Rate
Having Rate IS NOT NULL
Old April 1st, 2005, 11:20 AM
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Hmmm, I guess I didn't specify too much.

My bad...

I am programming in VBscript, pulling data through ODBC from a FoxPro Database.

Also, I would really like to have the SQL statement select the distinct products via the Sysno. This way, I dont take a chance on their being additional rate data that would throw the statement off. I know for sure that the Sysno data will not change.

Old April 6th, 2005, 10:23 AM
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Try using SELECT DISTINCT Sysno, Item Number, Description, Rate FROM TableName.

Old August 18th, 2005, 08:53 AM
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Given that you are using ODBC with a Foxpro database, you could do the following:


Note that this is not normally legal SQL syntax, but it works with the Foxpro ODBC driver because the driver is up to date only as of Visual FoxPro 6.0, and that version was very forgiving of this syntax. It should produce the result you want.


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