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Classic ASP Databases Discuss using ASP 3 to work with data in databases, including ASP Database Setup issues from the old P2P forum on this specific subtopic. See also the book forum Beginning ASP.NET Databases for questions specific to that book. NOT for ASP.NET 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0.
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Old May 15th, 2005, 05:44 AM
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Default How to open only the record with highest ID ?!

I need to tell my script to open a Database and to read stored informations only from the record with the highest ID. Example: I have 7 records whose ID go from 1 to 7, I need to open only the last one (ID7). How can I do this ?!


Old May 15th, 2005, 06:21 AM
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Following are some of the possible ways:

1. select * from your_table where Id = (select max(ID) from your_table)

2. select top 1* from your_table order by ID desc

Om Prakash
Old May 16th, 2005, 06:05 AM
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As usual , thanks so much Mr.Prakash !

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