From where I can download the pubs.mdb or How can
From where I can download the pubs.mdb or How can I export the pubs database from SQL Server to MS Access database file?
We have lots of MS Access data.
When I work on a book I do all examples both in MS SQL Server 2000 and MS Access 2003. Unfortunately I canât find pubs.mdb anywhere as stand alone MS Access database file. Apparently pubs.mdb is a public domain file but I do not know from where to find it.
I found it on the companion CD for âMS Jet Database Engine Programmer's Guideâ( ISBN 1-55615-877-7) but when I tried to open the file in Ch.9, pubs.mdb, I am getting error message:
"Missing or broken reference to the file âMSJETSQL.TLB version 3.0"
"ODBC connection to NTSTUFF95 failed."