Hey, JavaScript guru
I know this is an ASP Database forum but I get a lot of JavaScripts from here. So, can anyone tell me how to close a popup - that I've opened with a mouseover - by doing a mouseout? The following does not work. I want to open Duration Rules when user hovers over image then close it when user moves away. The window.close closes the window with the image on it. How do I make it close the popup?
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function openDurationRules() {
open("DurationRules.htm","DurationRules","resize=o ff,titlebar=true,toolbar=no,width=550,height=240")
function closeDurationRules() {
<img onMouseOver="openDurationRules()" onMouseOut="closeDurationRules()" src="../Images/DurRules.jpg">