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Old March 12th, 2006, 10:17 AM
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Default Dynamic Checkboxes using dynamic Select Values


I am trying to create an ASP page that has both dynamic checkboxes and dynamic Select lists which pulls its data from a database table. However, I also include a JavaScript function to disable the Select list by default and only enable the Select list if the Checkbox is clicked.

I am having the following problem: if i have 3 checkboxes with 3 select lists, when I click the first check box, it enables the first select list, which is what it's supposed to do. But when I click the second check box, it disables the first select list. So how can I get the second check box to enable the second select list, and so on?

Here is the code that i am trying to use:

<script language="Javascript">
function toggleStatus(cb, selID)
    var sel = document.getElementById(selID);
    // This line disables the select when the checkbox is ON (ticked). 
    sel.disabled = !cb.checked;
'Write the values
do while not rs.eof
<form name="select_treatment" action="confirm_sale.asp" method="get" >
<td width="1000">
<input type="checkbox" name="<%=rs.Fields(0).Value%>" id="checkbox1" value="<%= rs("treatmentID")%>" onClick="toggleStatus(this,'select1' "></td>
<td width="1000" class="body"><%= rs("treatmentName") %></td>
<td width="1000" class="body"><%= rs("treatmentDescription") %></td>
<td width="1000" class="body">€<%= rs("treatmentPrice") %></td>
<td width="1000" class="body"><%= rs("treatmentDuration") %></td>
<td width="1000" class="body">

I think the Select Name and ID is where the problem occurs    
<select name="select1" id="select1" disabled>

'while not the end of our staff member record set
do while not rs2.EOF 
<option value="<%Response.Write rs2("staffID")%>"> <%Response.Write rs2("firstName")%></option>
' Move to the next record
' Loop 

' move back to the first record


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