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Old January 16th, 2007, 08:14 PM
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Default Request.Form / Request.QueryString

Hello Everyone
there is a puzzel i do not understand and need some help with:

A form generates dynamic fields i do not know how many fields are generated. A user inputs some data to save into the fields, and submits.

The recieving page cycles through Request.Form (or Request.QueryString, i have tryed both) and save the data into a database using a for ech loop.

Suddenly all get's whakko because the data will be saved out of order in which it was received.

here is some code to show what i mean:

response.write Request.QueryString + "<br><br>"

for each item in request.QueryString
 response.write (item + " - " + Request.QueryString(item) + "<br>")

this is the result:

CASE1=1&HYDR1=2&HYDR2=3&HYDR3=4&MOVE1=5&MOVE2=6&MO VE3=7&PFRP1=8&PFRP2=9&PFRP3=10

CASE1 - 1
HYDR1 - 2
PFRP2 - 9
HYDR2 - 3
PFRP3 - 10
HYDR3 - 4
MOVE1 - 5
MOVE2 - 6
MOVE3 - 7
PFRP1 - 8

is there any way to get the For loop to go through the string in the right (1st) order??

the result should look like:
CASE1 - 1
HYDR1 - 2
HYDR2 - 3
HYDR3 - 4
MOVE1 - 5
MOVE2 - 6
MOVE3 - 7
PFRP1 - 8
PFRP2 - 9
PFRP3 - 10

Help is much appreciated.

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... there is always more to learn...
Old January 16th, 2007, 09:13 PM
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Woody Z
Old January 16th, 2007, 11:13 PM
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I'm new, but an approach that seems likely to produce the desired result would be to set variables for the individual fields inside the for loop, and then pass the variables in as parameters to your stored procedure or query immediately after the loop.
eg: case_1=Request.Form.Item("CASE1")
to set your variables

UPDATE tablename SET case1 = '" & case_1 & "'hydr1 = '" & hydr_1 & "'hydr2 = '" & hydr_2 & "'"
to pass the variables in as parameters.

If you use a stored procedure you can set parameters to have NULL as their default value, and that should help you get past the problem of not knowing which fields will be used. Just write for all possible parameters and let any missing fields get set to NULL in the stored procedure.

Old January 17th, 2007, 10:59 AM
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thank you for your suggestion.
The snippet i posted is only one of many possible scenarios.
The fields that feed the page in question may or may not be generated in the first place. So there may be no item called Request.QueryString("Hydro") at all. it could start with PFRP and it could be the only item (next to CASE which is mendentory).

Fact is i am thinking of breaking the QueryString up in its individual items and put it in an array... bubble sort the array then loop through the array... but whet is the best way to cut up the string?

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Old January 17th, 2007, 02:23 PM
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I am not sure what you mean: "What is the best way to cut up the string" if you mean what would be the easiest way to get individual elements, you would grab the entire query string and then split on '&' that will give you individual elements so

CASE1=1&HYDR1=2&HYDR2=3&HYDR3=4&MOVE1=5&MOVE2=6&MO VE3=7&PFRP1=8&PFRP2=9&PFRP3=10



not in that order of course

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I will only tell you how to do it, not do it for you.
Unless, of course, you want to hire me to do work for you.
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^^Took that from planoie's profile
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