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Old March 19th, 2008, 09:32 PM
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Default asp/Access recordset navigation query

I'm trying to set up a way to navigate through recordsets at 4-6 records per page. I want to simply present url links on the page after the 4-6 records have been shown, so that the next iteration of the loop continues off from where the previous one stopped. at the moment I've just got the data going straight to the page (with some div formatting) and using a rs.movenext within the WHILE NOT rs.EOF ... WEND loop with the result being that ALL the records that match my SQL query will be printed to the page.

Anyone got ideas/suggestions for robust methods?

Thanks in advance,


Old April 10th, 2008, 01:43 PM
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There are several ways of doing this. One method is to pass a variable back to the same page that returns your results with the page number such as. .

getresults.asp?pn=2 (where getresults.asp contains the results and pn equals your page number.)
multiply pn by the number of results you want to display.

In your WHILE NOT rs.EOF ... WEND loop count the records returned by adding 1 to the variable after movenext. Add a conditional to check to see if the variable falls on the page. Once all the results of that page have been retrieved Use Exit While to end the loop.

such as:
if PageNumber = 0 then
end if
NoPerPage=4 ' number of record per page
RecordMin=(((PageNumber-1) * NoPerPage)+1) 'starting number of results
if RecordMin < 1 then
end if
RecordMax=PageNumber * NoPerPage 'ending number of results
oConn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & dbPath)
Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open sSQL, oConn
do while not objRS.EOF
  if RC >= RecordMin and RC <= RecordMax then
    %><% 'Display your results here
  end if
  if RC > RecordMax then
    exit do
  end if

'put page links here
if PageNumber > 1 then
<a href="results.asp?pn=<%=PageNumber-1%>">&lt;&lt;Prev</a>
End if
if not objRS.EOF
<a href="results.asp?pn=<%=PageNumber+1%>">Next&gt;&gt;</a>
End if
set objRS = nothing
set oConn = nothing

The Following User Says Thank You to Frye-Guy For This Useful Post:
murshed (January 16th, 2011)

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