SP Returned Output with Error
Hi everyone,
I'm getting an error "run-time error '3704' operation is not allowed when object is closed." when i tried to access the content of my recordset, I am calling a stored procedure with the following sql statement:
sSq = "DECLARE @iIntId INT " & _
"SET @iIntId = null " & _
"exec GetID 1,@iIntId OUTPUT " & _
"SELECT @iIntId " & _
rs.Open sSQl, gDbConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
if Not rs.Eof then
MyId = rs("iIntId")
End if
The error occur in the "if Not rs.eof..." line co'z i debug the program and i'm sure the recordset has one row in it... the ID.
Can somebody explain to me why this is happening? I really appreciate any comment or help.