How to adjust several SQL scripts in crystal repor
I wanted to adjust several sql scripts in the main crystal report without using subreports inorder to get data from an Oracle database version 8.17.
I am using add command in order to add my scripts.
I am using Oracle OLE provider in order to connect the oracle database.
I am using crystal report version 9.
Suppose there are four SQL scripts, I wanted that data from several columns of each SQL scripts should be display on separate detail section or separate page in a main crystal report without using subreports.
How should we do that?
Below you find some of the SQL scripts:
select vuser "DB User",vdatabase "Database",vclient "Client Name"
from temp where vuser
in (select username from v$session where username is not null and
username not in('SYS','SYSTEM', 'DBSNMP'))
select a.username "DB User",a.status "Status", a.sid||','||a.serial# "Sid & Serial#" ,
a.OSUSER "OS User",a.machine "Machine",a.TERMINAL "Terminal",a.program "Program"
from v$session a,v$sess_io c