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January 20th, 2006, 01:18 PM
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highlight search words
hi guys,
i am using at the moment this type of regular expression to highlight a word from the search form.
function ShowBold(theField)
Set objRegExp= New RegExp
objRegExp.Pattern="(" & searchparam & ")"
ShowBold=objRegExp.Replace(theField,"<b style=""background-color:#FFFF00; font-weight:bold;"">$1</b>")
end function
i would like to be able to highlight every ocurence of the world if there are more then one and the words are not beside each other.
text: "i have a cd player that will play cd and also mp3"
if i search for cd player i get the "cd player" highlight it but not the cd on its own (the one in bold)
January 20th, 2006, 02:51 PM
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Hi lucian,
Probably the easiest way to do this is to break apart your search term into an array based on a space. Then for each item in the array, call the highlighting code. That way, each individual word is highlighted.
Imar Spaanjaars
Everyone is unique, except for me.
January 20th, 2006, 04:03 PM
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i am already doing this but i don't know where to use the expression:
Function BasicSearchSQL(Keyword)
Dim sKeyword
sKeyword = AdjustSql(Keyword)
BasicSearchSQL = ""
BasicSearchSQL = BasicSearchSQL & "[ProductName] LIKE '%" & sKeyword & "%' OR "
BasicSearchSQL = BasicSearchSQL & "[Description] LIKE '%" & sKeyword & "%' OR "
If Right(BasicSearchSQL, 4) = " OR " or Right(BasicSearchSQL, 4) = " or " Then BasicSearchSQL = Left(BasicSearchSQL, Len(BasicSearchSQL)-4)
End Function
' Function SetUpBasicSearch
' - Set up Basic Search parameter based on form elements pSearch & pSearchType
' - Variables setup: sSrchBasic
Sub SetUpBasicSearch()
Dim sSearch, sSearchType, arKeyword, sKeyword
sSearch = searchparam
sSearchType = searchtype
If sSearch <> "" Then
If sSearchType <> "" Then
While InStr(sSearch, " ") > 0
sSearch = Replace(sSearch, " ", " ")
arKeyword = Split(Trim(sSearch), " ")
For Each sKeyword In arKeyword
sSrchBasic = sSrchBasic & " " & BasicSearchSQL(sKeyword) & " " & sSearchType & " "
sSrchBasic = BasicSearchSQL(sSearch)
End If
End If
If Right(sSrchBasic, 4) = " OR " or Right(sSrchBasic, 4) = " or " Then sSrchBasic = Left(sSrchBasic, Len(sSrchBasic)-4)
If Right(sSrchBasic, 5) = " AND " or Right(sSrchBasic, 5) = " and " Then sSrchBasic = Left(sSrchBasic, Len(sSrchBasic)-5)
End Sub
then i use this to display the results coming from the database:
<%= ShowBold(x_ProductName) %>
January 20th, 2006, 04:45 PM
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You can pass the search term to ShowBold as well, and repeat the loop. The following (untested) code shows you what I mean:
Function ShowBold(theField, searchTerm)
Dim item
Set objRegExp = New RegExp
For Each item in Split(searchTerm, " ")
objRegExp.Pattern="(" & item & ")"
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
ShowBold = objRegExp.Replace(theField,"<b style=""background-
color:#FFFF00; font-weight:bold;"">$1</b>")
End Function
Then call it like this:
<%= ShowBold(x_ProductName, sSearch) %>
It may not work directly, but I am sure you get the idea...
Imar Spaanjaars
Everyone is unique, except for me.
January 20th, 2006, 07:00 PM
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i have this:
function ShowBold(theField)
sSearchs = searchparam
While InStr(sSearchs, " ") > 0
sSearchs = Replace(sSearchs, " ", " ")
arKeywords = Split(Trim(sSearchs), " ")
Set objRegExp= New RegExp
For Each sKeywords In arKeywords
objRegExp.Pattern="(" & sKeywords & ")"
ShowBold=objRegExp.Replace(theField,"<b style=""background-color:#FFFF00; font-weight:bold;"">$1</b>")
end function
but it only highlights the last word if i have more then one
January 20th, 2006, 07:27 PM
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My fault. This code keeps using the input text inside the loop, but it should reuse the result of each hightlighting:
Dim tempResult
tempResult = theField
sSearchs = searchparam
While InStr(sSearchs, " ") > 0
sSearchs = Replace(sSearchs, " ", " ")
arKeywords = Split(Trim(sSearchs), " ")
Set objRegExp= New RegExp
For Each sKeywords In arKeywords
objRegExp.Pattern="(" & sKeywords & ")"
theField = objRegExp.Replace(theField,"<b style=""background-color:#FFFF00; font-weight:bold;"">$1</b>")
ShowBold = theField
Personally, I think it's cleaner to have ShowBold accept the search term as a parameter. That way, it's easier to reuse the method because it doesn't rely on global variables.
Imar Spaanjaars
Everyone is unique, except for me.
January 21st, 2006, 04:30 AM
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thanks Imar. As usual you are right.
I was working on it all day yesterday, and the solution is so simple.