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Old April 18th, 2007, 04:44 PM
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Default Deleting selected row in ListBox

Hi guys, newbie here.

I've been working on this project for weeks, and cant seem to make this one feature work.

I have a ListBox called ListBox1 that uses RowSource for the data.

Now what I would really like is to be able to delete a row from the worksheet depending on the item selected in the ListBox. I have used the delete last row method, but because the ListBox contains alot of data, I would prefer to have ability to select the item I wanted to delete.

Any help?

Much Appreciated,


Old April 19th, 2007, 09:14 AM
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Hey guys,

Looks like I don't need your help. After looking at how to loop and delete entire rows, I have managed to find it. For those of you interested, here it is:

Dim r1 As Range

Set r1 = Range("A41:A45")

For Each c1 In r1

    If c1.Value = ListBox1.Value Then
    c1.Font.Bold = True
      With c1
       End With
    End If

Next c1
Thanks anyway!

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